Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy
Submissions to Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy should be formatted in accordance with the Notes to Contributors below.
Notes to Contributors
- Page Layout
Articles should be submitted with double line-spacing throughout. At the stage of initial (but not final) submission footnotes may be given in small type at the foot of the page. Page dimensions should be A4 or standard American quarto (8½ × 11″), and ample margins (minimum 1¼″ or 32 mm) should be left. - First Submission
Submissions should be made as an anonymized PDF file attached to an e-mail sent to the Editor. Authors are asked to supply an accurate word-count (a) for the main text, and (b) for the notes. The e-mail which serves as a covering letter should come from the address to be used for correspondence on the submission. A postal address should also be provided. If necessary, arrangements for alternative means of submission may be made with the Editor. Authors should note that the version first submitted will be the one adjudicated; unsolicited revised versions cannot be accepted during the adjudication process. - Line Spacing, Typesize, Notes
In the finalized version, the text should be double-spaced and in the same typesize throughout, including displayed quotations and notes. Notes should be numbered consecutively, and may be supplied as either footnotes or endnotes. Any acknowledgements should be placed in a final note attached to the last word of the article. Wherever possible, references to primary sources should be built into the text. - Use of Greek and Latin
Relatively familiar Greek terms such as psychē and polis (but not whole phrases and sentences) may be used in transliteration. Wherever possible, Greek and Latin should not be used in the main text of an article in ways which would impede comprehension by those without knowledge of the languages; for example, where appropriate, the original texts should be accompanied by a translation. This constraint does not apply to footnotes. Greek must be supplied in an accurate form, with all diacritics in place. Please indicate whether the Greek is in a Unicode font or if not, the software used to input it (e.g. GreekKeys, Linguist’s Software) to facilitate file conversion. - Primary References
For citations of Greek and Latin authors, house style should be followed. This can be checked in any recent issue of OSAP with the help of the Index Locorum. The most exact reference possible should normally be employed, especially if a text is quoted or discussed in detail: for example, line references for Plato (not just Stephanus page and letter) and Aristotle (not just Bekker page and column). - Secondary References
In references to books, the first time the book is referred to give the initial(s) and surname of the author (first names are not usually required), and the place and date of publication; where you are abbreviating the title in subsequent citations, give the abbreviation in square brackets, thus:T. Brickhouse and N. Smith, Socrates on Trial [Trial] (Princeton, 1981), 91–4.
Give the volume-number and date of periodicals, and include the full page-extent of articles (including chapters of books):D. W. Graham, ‘Symmetry in the Empedoclean Cycle’ [‘Symmetry’], Classical Quarterly, NS 38 (1988), 297–312 at 301–4.
G. Vlastos, ‘A Metaphysical Paradox’ [‘Metaphysical’], in G. Vlastos, Platonic Studies, 2nd edn. (Princeton, 1981), 43–57 at 52.
Where the same book or article is referred to on subsequent occasions, usually the most convenient style will be an abbreviated reference:Brickhouse and Smith, Trial, 28–9.
Do not use the author-and-date style of reference:Brickhouse and Smith 1981: 28–9.
- Bibliography
Authors are asked to supply in addition, at the end of the article, a full list of the bibliographical entries cited, alphabetically ordered by (first) author’s surname. Except that the author’s surname should come first, these entries should be identical in form to the first occurrence of each in the article, including where appropriate the indication of abbreviated title:Graham, D. W., ‘Symmetry in the Empedoclean Cycle’ [‘Symmetry’], Classical Quarterly, NS 38 (1988), 297–312.
- Quotation Marks and Other Conventions
If there are any unusual conventions contributors are encouraged to include a covering note for the copy-editor and/or printer. Please say whether you are using single and double quotation marks for different purposes (otherwise the Press will employ its standard single quotation marks throughout, using double only for quotations within quotations). - Final Submission
Authors should send a copy of the final version of their paper in electronic form by attachment to an e-mail. The final version should be in a standard word-processing format, accompanied by a note of the word-processing program used and of the system (not just the font) used for producing Greek characters (see point 4 above). This file must be accompanied by a second file, a copy in PDF format of the submitted word-processor file; the PDF file must correspond exactly to the word-processor file. If necessary, arrangements for alternative means of submission may be made with the Editor. With final submission authors should also send, in a separate file, a brief abstract and a list of approximately ten keywords.
The remaining instructions apply to the final version sent for publication, and need not be rigidly adhered to in a first submission.
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