

Reading Group

Our main reading group meets once a month and draws faculty and graduate students from across Michigan, from institutions such as Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Grand Valley State University, and Albion College.

The starting point and focus of our discussions are the ancient texts themselves. Each session, one member of the group translates the text and starts off discussion, with all members interrupting and actively participating as the mood strikes.

Current term
Winter 2018
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations III–IV

Next meeting: Tuesday, 13 March 7:00–9:00pm, Classics Library, 2175 AH
Past terms
Fall 2017
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations I–II
Winter 2017
Plato’s Republic VIII–IX
Fall 2016
Aristotle’s Poetics
Winter 2016
Aristotle on justice (Nicomachean Ethics V)
Fall 2015
Aristotle on justice (Nicomachean Ethics V)
Winter 2015
Plutarch’s Adversus Colotem
Fall 2014
Plutarch’s Adversus Colotem
Winter 2014
Plutarch’s Adversus Colotem
Fall 2013
Aristotle’s Metaphysics Theta
Winter 2013
Plato’s Phaedo
Fall 2012
Plato’s Phaedo
Winter 2012
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 7
Fall 2011
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 7
Winter 2011
Epicurus’ Letter to Herodotus and Principal Doctrines
Fall 2010
Plato’s Protagoras
Winter 2010
Plato’s Protagoras
Fall 2009
Plato’s Protagoras
Winter 2009
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 3.1–5
Fall 2008
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 3.1–5
Summer 2008
Alcidamas’ On the Sophists
Winter 2008
Gorgias’ On Not Being
Fall 2007
Gorgias’ On Not Being
Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen
Summer 2007
Aristotle’s De sensu
Winter 2007
Gorgias’ Encomium of Helen
Fall 2006
Fragments of Parmenides
Winter 2006
Fragments of Parmenides
Fall 2005
Plotinus Enneads 4.6